Maalot Elite Hosts Melaveh Malkah

On Motzoei Shabbos, January 9, Maalot Elite hosted their annual winter melaveh malkah, with the theme of “Remaining Sound: In Body, Mind and Soul.”

Maalot Elite, which is now known as “ELITE” (Elevating Life in a Torah Environment), is Baltimore’s branch of Lechu V’Nelcha, for post-seminary girls. Established in 2014, its mission is to provide shiurim, events, classes, Shabbatons, melaveh malkahs and an outlet for camaraderie, growth and enjoyment for young women in Baltimore.

The melaveh malkah featured an interactive panel with speakers representing the three aspects of body, mind, and soul. Mrs. Esther Tendler, RN, represented body, and spoke about the importance of taking care of oneself, looking good and feeling good. She stressed the fact that every person is beloved by Hashem and is therefore an important person worthy of being treated well.

Mrs. Gitti Horowitz spoke about soul. She regaled the audience with stories about Mrs. Henni Machlis, a”h, who went to great lengths to do chessed, even going so far as to be awakened in the middle of the night to teach an unbalanced man how to make whole-wheat pizza. She also emphasized the importance of having mentors, making goals, setting aside time to learn and grow, and making a daily small cheshbon hanefesh.

Mrs. Horowitz also described how one small move in the right direction can have great impact for years and years to come.

Dr. Hinda Dubin spoke about mind. She discussed the importance of making realistic goals and giving ourselves “down time,” reframing occurrences, and seeing things through realistic lenses. She stressed the need for proper focus time and relaxation.

Dr. Dubin ended by leading the audience in a relaxation exercise. Following the panel, five post-seminary girls performed in a lovely Capella choir.

The evening also featured a milchig soup-and-salad buffet with a hot drink and dessert table, beautiful airy décor, and wholesome fruit centerpieces. A Chinese Auction included prizes to benefit body, mind and soul. All in all, the approximately 70 participants had a wonderful, invigorating, and inspiring evening, and lingered long after the end of the official program.

They are now eagerly looking forward to the annual “Elite Retreat,” Shabbos of chizuk, which will be held on Shabbos Parashas Pekudei, March 11-12, at the beautiful Capital Retreat Center in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania. For more information, please call 443-895-1585 or look out for upcoming advertisements.

Information taken from article by Devorah Klein, Hamodia