The LVN Virtual Shabbaton!

The LVN Virtual Shabbaton!

A Corona-Induced Concept: The Lechu V’Nelcha Virtual Shabbaton!

The stores are still closed, the schools are still closed. Masks and social distancing regulations are still in force. There is a pall in the air and there is no way that post-seminary girls can have a Shabbaton this year, despite their great disappointment.

Or is there?

When it comes to Lechu V’Nelcha and growing in our avodas Hashem, mere technicalities are no obstacle. The girls came over to Rebbetzin Dina Fink, founder and director of Lechu V’Nelcha, and asked: “Rebbetzin Fink, can we have a Shabbaton?” And her response was: “Well, as Rabbi Avigdor Miller, z”l, would say, “‘If you can’t be a millionaire — be a thousandaire!’”

Hence was born a corona-induced concept: the virtual Shabbaton, and all by telephone only! 

“A very, very warm welcome to our first-ever tele-Shabbaton,” begins Rebbetzin Fink. “This is really, in a sense, a dream come true because our dream was always to have a Shabbaton where we can have girls all over the world participating. I would have never thought of how the Eibishter would have made that happen — send somebody in Wurhan to eat a live bat, to create a pandemic, and this is the opportunity Hashem has left us with.

“The maamin looks for the silver lining in the cloud. It’s an opportunity, and Hakadosh Baruch Hu wants us to connect to Him this way…. We are very very grateful and we’re very, very overwhelmed by the response, because there are approximately 300 girls who have registered from all over the world — from Australia, Eretz Yisrael, Vienna, Aix-les-Bain, Basel, Gateshead, London, Manchester, New York, Montreal, Toronto, Lakewood, Monsey, Providence and from many more places.”

To those unfamiliar with Lechu V’Nelcha: It is a global program for post-seminary girls that provides weekly shiurim, bi-annual Shabbatons, trips, programs, retreats and anything else that helps the girls grow and stay connected to their ruchniyus and to each other. There are branches all over the world where the girls enjoy top-notch weekly speakers, build thriving friendships, and gain a solid base during this sometimes challenging stage.

And so it began, Parashas Bamidbar, the Lechu V’Nelcha 27th Shabbaton: the most unusual and at the same time the most inspiring Shabbaton ever. “There’s no place like Home” is the theme, and Rebbetzin Fink explains: “There’s no greater treasure than the treasure of who you are… It’s important to take inventory — who you are, what chinuch you were exposed to, what opportunities Hashem gives you. Recognize when Hashem gives you something that counts, he’s counting on you! … We don’t even know what we have, we have no indication of who we are.”

Erev Shabbos featured a treat of a shiur by Rabbi Todros Miller of Gateshead Seminary. Intellectually stimulating, soul-stirring and yet at the same time entirely down to earth, his shiur was, as always, a treasure to behold. “I went into Shabbos on such a high from Rabbi Miller’s shiur,” expresses Leah from Monsey. “I shared it with my family over Shabbos.”

The girls entered Shabbos uplifted with zemiros, insights by Rebbetzin Fink and an Erev Shabbos message from the inspirer of thousands, Tammy Carmel. On Shabbos itself, each girl enjoyed a written shiur by Rabbi Miller on Maamad Har Sinai, as well as a review of Hilchos Shabbos.

Motzoei Shabbos brought concurrent shiurim by Rabbi Nechemia Grama and Rabbi Miller. This was balanced with a hilarious comedy by Mrs. Marion Fine and topped by Chassidishe stories related by Rebbitzen Shlomtzy Weisz.

Sara from Yerushalayim shares her impressions with us: “It was a perect blend of fun and inspiration… it was full of life. I felt a certain lightness that I hadn’t experienced in a long time; I felt like it was one big, happy family. It was very connecting, spirited, fun and also very inspiring.”

Sunday morning started off with a bang — with a round of exercise with Devoiry. “It was a really good stretch after sitting around for two months!” says Sara. “It felt really good.”

Then followed the popular question–and-answer session with Rabbi Miller. The depth and insight of the questions themselves portray the quality of a Lechu V’Nelcha girl. They asked about emunah when faced with the loss of a loved one, about the concept of bashert in shidduchim. They asked about having cheshek in davening and about quality friendships. And the answers were powerful, to the point and, of course, completely Torah-true.

Mrs. Tzirel Rubinstein, shidduch mentor, came on the line. “She spoke about challenges during this time with shidduchim,” said one participant. “Her punch line was that in shidduchim the most practical tool is bitachon!”

The girls were privileged to hear Rabbi Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, who has spoken for Lechu V’Nelcha a number of times already. One girl enthused: “You’re hearing about bitachon that’s so real, you could touch it. It’s not a theory. Each point goes straight to the heart. This is not a madreigah for high people, it’s for everyone, something real that you can have, too… It feels like he’s living life together with Hashem — I was blown away.”

Concurrent interactive workshops were held by Rebbitzen Faigy BenShalom, Mrs. Debbie Greenblatt and Mrs. Yael Kaisman. The speakers at Lechu V’Nelcha are real, connected to the participants, attuned to higher ideals and yet very in tune with the needs of the girls.

And of course, no Lechu V’Nelcha event can be complete without the singing. The singing of yearning, and hope. Of holiness and striving. Of togetherness, of asking and of thanking. Aleinu l’shabei’ach!

The feedback came pouring in. “WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!! That was AMAZING! I LOVED the Shabbaton” shared a participant from Manchester. “I’m grateful for coronavirus (not the part that people are suffering) because living in England, I was able to join for the first time, so that literally made me super happy [and] that’s part of the silver lining for me.”

“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the Shabbaton!!” exclaimed Chava S. “It surpassed all of my expectations, and when we finished off, I was on the same spiritual cloud as the previous Shabbaton…”

“Thank you sooo much for organizing the most amazing, inspiring, thought-provoking, creative and mechazek first-ever virtual Lechu V’Nelcha Shabbaton!!!” shared a participant from Monsey. “I can’t thank you enough for putting this together in this difficult time, when the chizuk and Torah thoughts are most needed.”

So if you are a girl reading this — a girl who wants more, a girl who seeks meaning and connection, a girl who, in these turbulent times, seeks an anchor, a platform of growth, and a connection with girls like yourself. If this is who you are, or if this is who you would like to become, we welcome you to pick up a phone and call the information line at 1718-4-800-LVN(586), or email  or, and give yourself a gift. A gift for now and a gift, as I, a Lechu V’Nelcha alumnus of 10 years or so, say, a gift for life.

F.G. Sugar

LVN’s Response To The Pandemic

LVN’s Response To The Pandemic

Panic seems to have spread along with the deadly virus, and we’re all doing our best to go on with life, despite the raging storm. 

Work stopped. 

Schools closed. 

Shuls locked their gates. 

Even Yeshivos are empty. 

But at Lechu V’Nelcha, the worldwide organization for post-seminary girls, the inspiration continues. 

Despite the current situation, the shiurim are continuing by teleconference, with world class speakers catering to the post-seminary girls worldwide. As always, the shiurim are inspiring, relevant, uplifting and just enjoyable to listen to. As a Lechu V’Nelcha alumnus myself, I can attest to still calling in to hear the timeless messages, necessary now more than ever. 

For those unfamiliar with the program, Lechu V’Nelcha provides shiurim, Shabbatons, programs and events for post-seminary girls. The once a week classes provide an ongoing ruchniusdig connection for the girls as they embark on their individual paths in the working world. The girls eagerly anticipate their weekly shiur, where they come to learn, grow and connect to other girls in the same stage. Many would not skip it for anything and say it is what keeps them going.

From its humble beginnings 25 years ago at the dining room table of Rebbetzin Dinah Fink, founder and director of Lechu V’Nelcha, the organization has expanded into an international concept. Lechu V’Nelcha is currently spread over various continents and consists of more than 40 branches around the world.

The biannual Shabbatons are the not to be missed highlight of the year! Offering an inspiring and exciting program and cutting edge in quality catering and accommodations, they afford opportunities on many levels. I myself went to one Shabbaton… and was hooked. I wouldn’t miss a Shabbaton after that for the world. 

Lechu V’Nelcha was my anchor at that point in my life. I’ll never forget those friendships, good times, and incredible lessons that I gained.  In those turbulent times, Lechu V’Nelcha is an oasis of growth and inspiration.

The girls are sorely disappointed that they cannot have a Shabbaton this year, (the Shabbaton usually comes out around Lag B’Omer time) but Rebbetzin Fink, with her insatiable drive to give and do, will not rest. If we can’t do our programs in person, we’ll do them by phone!

For shiurim, she lined up her dedicated speakers in an impressive weekly schedule. This past week featured Rabbi S.M. Rubashkin, Rabbi Naftoli Reich, and Rabbi Nechemia Grama. Rebbetzin Fink herself gives two short shiurim daily: a Bitachon shiur and Sefirah shiur, besides for her regular shiur once a week. The shiurim are geared specifically to the girls and their challenges, roles, and reality.

Sara L.*, an enthusiastic Lechu V’Nelcha member of the Yerushalayim branch, shares her thoughts about the teleconference shiurim: “While I’m away from people [these days], I feel like I’m part of something. It’s a very big chizuk because it’s consistent…it gives structure to my day and my week. The shiurim on Bitachon are really helping me be strong, stay calm, be hopeful. I always went to the weekly shiur because I felt like I needed it, and this keeps my connection with Lechu V’Nelcha.
“The  shiurim really help me view these circumstances as an opportunity… an opportunity to work on Bitachon in a way that we didn’t have before when we thought we were running the show, now it’s quite clear we are not in charge… she talks about hoping for Moshiach and it gives me strength to hope.
“The shiurim are very in sync with my needs … I feel like I’m not doing this on my own. The speakers really care, and you feel that and they are  with you in this difficult time.”

So if you are a post-seminary girl reading this, we welcome you to pick up a phone, call 1718-4-800-LVN(586) or email and join! Or, if you know any girl who would benefit, do her a favor and let her know!  Being part of Lechu V’Nelcha is being part of something bigger, something greater. Lechu V’Nelcha is not a Mosad, it’s not a name. It’s not a money making business-it’s just a pocket of kedusha, of friendship, run with the pure motive of caring for our girls and being mekadesh Shem Shamayim. 

 and join! Or, if you know any girl who would benefit, do her a favor and let her know!  Being part of Lechu V’Nelcha is being part of something bigger, something greater. Lechu V’Nelcha is not a Mosad, it’s not a name. It’s not a money making business-it’s just a pocket of kedusha, of friendship, run with the pure motive of caring for our girls and being mekadesh Shem Shamayim. 

*name has been changed

New Weekly Shiur in Boro Park!

New Weekly Shiur in Boro Park!

We are happy to announce an exciting new development in Boro Park! This past Wednesday marked the launch of a new weekly shiur for working girls of all ages under the auspices of the worldwide organization Lechu V’Nelcha.  Girls filled the spacious hall of Young Israel of Bethel to hear the sought-after speaker Rabbi Fischel Schachter!

Excitement filled the air as the girls eagerly absorbed the uplifting and encouraging words of Rabbi Schachter. The girls enjoyed his trademark humorous, engaging and inspiring manner.

Rabbi Schacter compared our challenges today to a person wearing virtual reality glasses. The person thinks he is standing on the edge of a terrifying cliff and at any moment, he will fall. But as soon as he takes off his glasses, he realizes he was on solid ground all along. So too, when Moshiach comes in one instant everything will become crystal clear, and our job now is to trust and daven. Part of the tafkid is not knowing the tafkid!

Once the shiur was over girls interacted with the other participants as they partook of the delicious buffet. Girls expressed their eager anticipation for following Wednesday night’s speaker! 

Rabbi Nechemia Grama will be the speaker at the next shiur and other speakers will include Rabbi Avraham Schorr, Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro, and Ms. Chevy Garfinkel. This weekly shiur promises to be a popular and inspiring Brooklyn event with excellent speakers, refreshments and ambiance!

The shiur will take place every Wednesday evening at Young Israel of Bethel 4802 15th Ave., (entrance on 48th St.). Doors open at 7:45 pm and the shiur begins promptly at 8:00 pm, followed by light refreshments. For more information please call 1718-4-800-LVN (586) or email Or visit us at 

Looking forward to welcoming you there!

Tu B’shvat  Event

Tu B’shvat Event

An Evening of music and Inspiration!

Keynote address by Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger

”My Journey” by Rabbi Avrohom Goldstein

Welcoming remarks by Rebbetzin Dinah Fink

Video Presentation / Tu B’Shvat buffet