Welcome to Lechu V’Nelcha, the global program for post-seminary girls, that offers weekly shiurim, Shabbatons, summer retreats and social activities! With over 30 Lechu V’Nelcha (LVN) branches across the globe, we include graduates of all ages, whether newly returned from seminary or already part of the workforce. The LVN email group sends weekly updates of shiurim, divrei chizuk and halachah to over 1500 recipients.


Lechu V’Nelcha offers weekly shiurim given by top mechanchim/chos. These shiurim reflect a high standard of ruchniyus, offering a steady opportunity to move onward and upward in spiritual growth. Friendships are formed, connections are made, and it becomes something to look forward to all week! Weekly shiurim are given by live speakers or can be watched by accessing recorded LVN shiurim from our extensive library.

Today the challenges facing young women upon their return from seminary are much tougher than they used to be. As they begin to face the realities of the working world, the daily grind may sometimes leave them feeling unfulfilled and searching for more depth and meaning. Thus the need for the Lechu V’Nelcha program is very much apparent to them, their parents and their mechanchim. With the strong endorsement and encouragement of the Gedolei Yisrael, Lechu V’Nelcha provides them with many avenues for continued growth and development. They gain inspiration and knowledge that they can take with them each day as they deal with shidduchim, interpersonal relationships, and the negative influences of the secular world. Encouraging the girls to hold on to their hard-earned values under these circumstances is of paramount importance in preserving the future of Klal Yisrael.


One of the highlights of Lechu V’Nelcha are the bi-annual Shabbatons held in the USA as well as in Eretz Yisrael, Europe and Australia. Post-seminary girls from across the world have the chance to recharge their spiritual and emotional batteries in an upscale and beautiful environment, in an atmosphere of warm camaraderie and intellectual stimulation. The Shabbatons are graced by world-renowned speakers, and the girls emerge feeling rejuvenated in their relationship with Hashem, and in their relationships with the people in their lives.

The Shabbatons also offer ample opportunity to recharge recreationally whether it’s the Kangoo Jumping fitness program, the Picture Analysis workshop, the exclusive pool and exercise facilities or the many more features available. In the words of a participant at a recent LVN Shabbaton in the U.S. which hosted over 200 girls from North America, “I feel refreshed, reconnected and reJEWvenated.” Another girl added, “Ever since leaving seminary I was looking forward to coming to a Lechu V’Nelcha Shabbaton with great anticipation, and it far exceeded all my expectations.” A third summed up her experience as, “The friends I made on the Shabbaton are friends that I will stay connected to, as we share a kinship through our experiences together, as a part of the Lechu V’Nelcha family.”


The annual Lechu V’Nelcha summer retreats are exceptionally unique. They include all the trappings of a refreshing 10-day vacation in the Alps: gorgeous mountain views, stimulating day trips, and evening entertainment. Yet it all takes place in the unique LVN spirit, in an atmosphere of friendship, connection, and growth. The retreats are joined by esteemed personalities who satisfy the girls’ quests for knowledge, clarity and direction. The girls have a chance to rejuvenate, relax and recharge as they drink in words of inspiration while sitting at the foothills of the towering, breathtaking mountains in the alps.


LVN hosts extra-special programs through the year! Chanukah parties, the pre-Purim package parties for hachnasas kallah and spontaneous Melaveh Malka events. Come Chol Hamoed, LVN participants join together for enjoyable and inspirational trips to various destinations.


Lechu V’Nelcha aims to help you move on to the next  stage of life. To that end we invite you to share your resumes so that we can reference them in our discussions with the LVN Shaddchonim. They will be handled with outmost discretion and only be forwarded with express permission from you. Email your resume to We assure you that it will be handled with due respect and privacy.

In addition,  we are happy to have your name to daven for your zivug hagun bekorov. Print out the full Tehillim list before you go to mekomes hakedoshim and be mispalel be’ad chaveiro. To add or remove a name please contact us via the contact form or email us at