
That was AMAZING!
I LOVED the Shabbaton.
I’m grateful for coronavirus (not the part that people are suffering) because living in England I was able to join for the first time so that literally made me super happy – that’s part of the silver lining for me.
The lectures and shiurim were amazing and they all gave me a practical take away and food for thought.
I really enjoyed the game, it was really well done and hilarious and inspiring and the exercise was also really fun!
The singing at the end was so homey and just wrapped up the whole weekend so beautifully.
Thank you SO SO SO much for all the effort you must have put in to this, it is so evident that you worked really hard and I’m so happy it went global.
In total admiration and gratitude

Manchester, England


Dearest Rebbetzin Fink, Chasya Miriam and all the people behind Lechu V’Nelcha,

Wow! What an incredible Chanukah “present” ! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! Reading through the notes brought me back to the Shabbaton itself- those surreal, magical 3 days of Good, Better, BEST!
When I think back at my year so far, my high points have been the Yomim noraim and Sukkos, Lechu V’Nelcha Shabbaton, and of course Chanukah that just passed. The shabbaton figuratively “filled me up” with chizuk for the winter. All of the speakers were amazing, beyond words! PHENOMENAL! Each message really resonated! From Rabbi Miller’s high level shiurim that felt like a continuation of Sem, to the Rubashkin’s who are a living lesson in emunah and living a life of avodas Hashem, to Rabbi Grama’s good old chizuk delivered in such a warm way, to Mrs. Ben Shalom’s Eretz Yisrael-dik words, to Rebbetzin Fink’s loving presence and emesdik Hashkafah… I don’t have adequate words to express what it did for me!
There was also the whole social aspect, getting to know so many AMAZING girls, and the beauty of 300 voices singing together on shabbos and at the kumzits motzei Shabbos! The whole atmosphere at Shabbaton was one of growth and positivity, and everything was so cheshboned out and exact to give us the most we could possibly get… Thank you! Thank You! THANK YOU!!!
I am so proud to be a part of Lechu V’Nelcha, and even more so, I feel so grateful to Rebbetzin Fink and Lechu V’Nelcha for the weekly shiur with all of the continuous Torah, hashkafos, and lessons in avodas hamiddos.
Tizku l’mitzvos!!
With much appreciation and admiration,
A proud Lechu V’Nelcha member!



Dear Rebbetzin Fink,

Monday night shiurim at the Fink mikdash me’at were set in stone no matter the weather, weddings or workload. Spectacular Shabbatons left a lasting impression and everlasting friendships – Komemiyus, Hilton, Crowne, Sqvere and Wyndham. Due to Rebbetzin Fink’s ideals, Lechu V’Nelcha is an integral and treasured part of my life. Thank you for opening your heart and home to us all. Thank you for sharing priceless lessons in your positive and engaging way. It is a zechus to be a part of such a wonderful kevutzah.

May Hashem bentch your avodas hakodesh with dazzling siyata dishmaya. May you see outstanding nachas from your family and talmidos.



As much as I tried to express my profound gratitude on the little thank you notes, I know that it is far from enough… Again and again thank you! The profound words of Rabbi Miller; to be a holech, how to bring up food to a ruchniyus level, how to take things along in real life, in those plain mar Cheshvon days… is just so practical and deep and intellectual too! And the powerful message of Rabbi Rubashkin and the take along workshop by Rabbi Grama.. I can’t end, for I feel like I haven’t started….. Thanks again for the myriad of details which I dont know how to thank you for. May Hashem repay with brochois ad bli dei, and shower you with hashpaas tovos,nachas and simcha and may we be zoche to the ultimate redemption, speedily in our days…



Thank you so much for the most AMAZING shabbaton! Someone told me that you could see in the office who went to the Shabbaton– they are GLOWING (and tired)!

New York