
Walking through the door
Of Wyndham Florham Park
Suitcases in hand
Air alive with spark
Right away we’re greeted
With a heartfelt embrace
Your motherly care
A smile radiating your face
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Oh! I have literally NO WORDS to describe how nice the Shabbaton was and how much we loved it!! Enjoyed is a HUGE understatement!!
Every single part was so amazing! Every detail planned to perfection!!
From the timings of the speeches and entertainment, to the menu for each meal, the welcome packs, the gift, the technical parts to make it Shabbos friendly, the rooms and tables, the zemiros and dancing……
It was truly a masterpiece, worth all that money!!!
We cant wait to keep up the inspiration with the weekly shiur!!

Lakewood, New Jersey


LVN Shabbatons are the highlight of my year. I wait for them and I live from them, leaving distraction and dizziness outside and simply reJEWvenating… getting back to the clarity and truth that we yearn for so badly, all in such a warm and accepting atmosphere!
This amazing LVN community I got to know which now I can’t see myself without…
Treat yourself to a Shabbaton & join! You won’t regret it!!

Yerushalayim, Eretz Yisrael


Attending the 24th Lechu V’Nelcha Shabbaton was truly an amazing GIFT I am grateful to have been BEGIFTED of.

Since coming home I find myself referring back to all I have acquired throughout this amazing Shabbos. It is amazing to be able to apply all you’ve learned to your day to day life. It was an uplifting experience! All of the speeches were something special! I really feel this Shabbos had an everlasting impact on me that I will try to carry on forever..!

I thank all at Lechu V’Nelcha for presenting us with this most priceless gift of the Lechu V’Nelcha Shabbaton ! Your hard work was surely recognized. May Hashem grant you koach to continue with all you do.



Lichvod Rebbetzin Fink,
I don’t know where to begin..?! The Shabbaton was truly a gift of a lifetime, money well spent… I can’t begin to imagine the koichos that went into it, the effort, the time…everything…I gained so much from all the shiurim, from the meals spent with all different ehrliche and emesdige girls yearning to grow. The conversations at the seudos were all so toichendig and we all felt that the group was just unique! The kumzitz was beautiful and so full of meaning! Thank you for all the amazing speakers that were brought in for it! Thank you for introducing me to Rabbi Milller-truly a zechus! The workshops were so practical and so relevant to our lives! I told my mother that when I left the Hilton I felt like I was leaving the airport back from seminary! We were in a bubble that I hope will never pop… baruch Hashem for Lechu V’Nelcha and it’s truly an honor for me to have a small part in it!
Thank you so much again! Tizki l’mitzvos! May Hakadosh Baruch Hu give you a lot of koach to be able to continue going strong in your avodos hakodesh of lighting up the spiritual world of others!

Looking forward to having you speak for our branch very soon in Yerushalayim!

Monsey, New York