Take a trip back in time, to a place of yesteryear. Come to Skvere, a hamlet that takes you back to bygone days, to the days of the shtetl, where life is lived on a different sphere. This past weekend, Parshas Beshalach - February 10, approximately 40 Lechu V’Nelcha...
20th LVN Shabbos of Inspiration
Anticipation had been running high, and finally reached its crescendo with the opening of the 20th Lechu V’nelcha Shabbos of Inspiration for post-seminary girls on Friday, December 16. As the girls poured into the Crowne Plaza in Fairfield, New Jersey, on Erev Shabbos, there was an undercurrent …
2nd LVN Shabbaton in Eretz Yisrael
It has been said regarding global realms, "The empire on which the sun never sets." The same can be said about Lechu V’Nelcha. One week LVN was in the winter season of Australia. The following week LVN found itself in the heat of the summer in the Golan Heights of...
19th LVN Shabbos of Inspiration
Last week, LVN in the U.S. held its annual Spring Lag BaOmer Shabbaton in South Fallsburg, N.Y. Over 130 girls from LVN branches across the U.S. and Canada traveled to upstate New York to take part in this convention, whose theme, “Connections,” gave new meaning to...
2nd LVN Shabbaton in Switzerland!
Just a few weeks ago, another European Shabbaton was arranged, this time exclusively for the LVN girls in Switzerland. The breathtaking locale of the Swiss Alps combined with tremendous chizuk and inspiration they received from Rebbetzen Fink made the Shabbos...
1st European LVN Shabbaton
The news regarding LVN’s upcoming European Shabbaton spread like wildfire. While post-seminary girls in the U.S. had been joining these Shabbatons for 18 years, never had such an event been held in Europe before. The excitement was contagious and as the anticipation...