by AlexZilla | Oct 27, 2022 |
I read the interview with Reb. Dinah Fink with excitement as Lechu V’Nelcha still holds a fond place in my heart. Those days were sweeter than honey! The shiurim and the trips and the Shabbatons– just being part of such a sincere, friendly and elevated group of girls.
I will add that Lechu V’Nelcha was definitely more than just a filler for those years until marriage. I feel that there was an aspect of chinuch I gained there that I did not receive in all my previous years of schooling. Particularly in the area of avodas hamidos-as a focus and goal in life. We learned to constantly ask ourselves: What middah do I need to work on to get through this challenge? It is a mindset of growth that gives my life constant meaning until today.
Also-balance. Reb. Fink’s teachings were lofty in their ideals yet always brought down to practical application. Feelings of superiority were never tolerated. A balance in our relationship with Hashem, people, and ourselves. It was an idealistic yet happy, friendly and wholesome environment.
These hashkafos are invaluable to me, especially now as a wife and mother. I thank Hashem for giving them to me and I tell every seminary graduate: Don’t miss out!
Yerushalayim, Eretz Yisrael
by AlexZilla | Oct 27, 2022 |
I read the email about the upcoming Lechu V’Nelcha Shabbaton, in the USA, I was brought back to my own days at Lechu V’Nelcha. Those two wonderful years of growth, of joy, of connection. How my heart fondly recalls those days, how I miss them! With longing I recall…
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Yerushalayim, Eretz Yisrael
by AlexZilla | Oct 27, 2022 |
If there’s one word that comes to mind, it is connection. Connection with each other and connection to our Father above. All my friends, all the girls from that trip, even if I would not recall their name, if I would meet them today, I would feel a kinship. A kinship of the soul that says: “We were at a Lechu V’Nelcha retreat together.” Writing this now, I feel …
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Yerushalayim, Eretz Yisrael
by AlexZilla | Oct 27, 2022 |
…I extend my deepest thank you to Lechu V’Nelcha. Thank you for the good times, the uplifting experiences, the thought-provoking workshops. Thank you for connecting me to mentors and friends from all over. Thank you for caring enough for my ruchniyus and emotional wellbeing to invest untold amounts of time, effort, and money to ensure that I grow, remain strong and maintain the purity of a fresh Bais Yaakov graduate…
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by AlexZilla | Oct 27, 2022 |
I am married with several children and the time I spent with Lechu V’Nelcha 5 and 6 years ago is still with me…
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