by AlexZilla | Oct 27, 2022 |
As much as I tried to express my profound gratitude on the little thank you notes, I know that it is far from enough… Again and again thank you! The profound words of Rabbi Miller; to be a holech, how to bring up food to a ruchniyus level, how to take things along in real life, in those plain mar Cheshvon days… is just so practical and deep and intellectual too! And the powerful message of Rabbi Rubashkin and the take along workshop by Rabbi Grama.. I can’t end, for I feel like I haven’t started….. Thanks again for the myriad of details which I dont know how to thank you for. May Hashem repay with brochois ad bli dei, and shower you with hashpaas tovos,nachas and simcha and may we be zoche to the ultimate redemption, speedily in our days…
by AlexZilla | Oct 27, 2022 |
Thank you so much for the most AMAZING shabbaton! Someone told me that you could see in the office who went to the Shabbaton– they are GLOWING (and tired)!
by AlexZilla | Oct 27, 2022 |
I’m still on a high from Shabbos! The program was terrific. The girls were amazing! Somehow it felt like a more cohesive group than other times, even though there were more girls. When I heard Batya speak, sharing her take on her disability, I was feeling all proud of myself. She’s incredible, and since I had come to some of the same conclusions as her, it follows that I am incredible, too! Ta -da!
by AlexZilla | Oct 27, 2022 |
As the columnist of the shidduch GPS in the widely popular Inyan Magazine, I was invited this past Shabbos by the indefatigable Rebbetzin Dinah Fink to participate and present at the Lechu V’Nelcha Shabbos which took place at the Wyndham Hotel in Florham Park, New Jersey. One can be blown away with pride at the sight of 305 choshuva Bnos Yisrael yearning to connect and grow in Yiddishkeit while having tons of fun and entertainment. The atmosphere was elegant, not a detail missing, and the ruach palpable.
Kol Hakavod to Rebbetzin Fink for launching the outstanding organization of Lechu V’Nelcha providing an outlet for continued growth and friendships for post seminary girls all over the world.
(I married off 4 of my 6 sons. Number 5 is about to start. Hashem gifted me. The’yre all major bnei Torah, Rabbonim…Dayanim. I always asked the sem mechanchos, “is her Yiddishkeit meaningful to her?” The girls who attend LVN are attending because their Yiddishkeit is meaningful to them.)
by AlexZilla | Oct 27, 2022 |
A Lechu V’Nelcha Shabbaton is something completely out of this world!!! From the minute you arrive, all throughout Shabbos, and until way longer after you leave, you’re enveloped in a special cloud of something INCREDIBLE!!! There really is no way to describe it, unless experienced. The shiurim, speakers, friendships, accommodations…even the food, hotel…everything about it- the camaraderie is so so so WONDERFUL!!!
There was no better way to end it with Marion Fine’s hysterical humor, the dancing, and super fun cooking show on Sunday. Not to mention Bracha Jaffe’s kumzitz…it was so REAL- creating song into tefillah! Rabbi Miller’s profound and keen insight left me open-mouthed as he pulled all the threads together at the end. Just so unbeleivable! Ms. Batya Feigenbaum is one AMAZING person walking the face of this Earth. Mrs.Tzirel Rubinstein shared some practical eye opening shidduch advice. And there’s no way not to get deeply affected by Mrs. Ben Shalom’s contagious heartening love for Torah! My entire appreciation and perspective has changed! Rabbi & Mrs. Rubashkin’s unwavering Bitachon taught that no matter what, Hashem is there. Aleph and Bais ( Emunah & Bitachon) pulled them through, knowing Gimmel (Geulah) will follow. For 8.5 years, there was no freedom; all she knew was that Aleph, Bais, then going back to Aleph=spells ABA! Her father is in charge! So so inspiring. Each speaker was so on target and insightful. Rabbi Gramma, Mrs. Miller, Rebbetzin Shlomtzy Weiss with her witty brilliance…it was just out of this world indeed!
All I can say is that I LIVE OFF IT, always looking forward to the next LVN Shabbaton! Thank you, and I will Iy”h try to DO thank you!
May Hashem give you all the koach to continue doing this for Klal Yisrael!