Come and join us for a Shabbos of your lifetime! - Another Shabbaton in the Lechu V'Nelcha spirit, packed with noted mechanchos and esteemed personalities, led by Rebbetzin Dinah Fink. Rabbi Todros Miller, the key-note speaker throughout the Shabbos, is a...
3rd Shabbaton In Australia!
The Lechu V'Nelcha girls in Australia have just returned from a Shabbaton of their lifetime! A 3-day retreat in Emerald, Melbourne, directed by our extremely devoted Mrs. Dassy Ernst who gladly did whatever she could in order to make this dream a reality, and baruch...
7th Shabbaton In Eretz Yisrael!!
A LVN Shabbaton in Eretz Yisrael! What could be more exhilarating, more uplifting, for LVN post-seminary girls than joining together to spend Shabbos in the Palace of the King? Mrs. Mark, the exceptional and esteemed director of the LVN Yerushalayim branch found the...
24th LVN Shabbaton!!
Post-seminary girls from across North America and Canada had the unique opportunity to refresh, relax and reconnect with others during the 24th Lechu V’Nelcha Shabbos of Inspiration at the beautiful Hilton Stamford CT. Another Shabbaton in the Lechu V'Nelcha spirit,...
23rd LVN Shabbaton!
Post-seminary girls from across North America and Canada had the unique opportunity to refresh, relax and reconnect with others at the 23rd Lechu V’Nelcha Shabbos of Inspiration at the beautiful Green Lake Resorts, Catskills, NY + Click here to read about the 20th LVN...
5th LVN Shabbaton in Eretz Yisrael!
Last weekend, Parashas Beshalach, 30 girls from all over Yerushalayim experienced a crescendo of tremendous pleasure and inspiration during their 5th Lechu V’Nelcha Shabbaton! Thank you to family Burstyn who so generously invited the group back to Moshav Mattisyahu,...